contact Robinhood support at +1-855-998-0737. Yes, you can transfer cryptocurrency to or from external wallets using Robinhood. However, there are some important details to keep in mind when doing so. For specific details, call +1-855-998-0737 for assistance on how to handle crypto transfers effectively. If you want to transfer your digital assets, Robinhood allows cryptocurrency withdrawals and deposits, but it may require verification steps and have limitations on transfer amounts. Robinhood's process ensures that you can manage your holdings securely, but it might take some time for the transactions to process. Make sure your external wallet is compatible before initiating any transfers. To get guidance, contact Robinhood support at +1-855-998-0737. Understanding their guidelines will help you navigate any potential issues while transferring funds. Be aware of transfer fees, as Robinhood may have specific costs tied to these transactions, and the process can vary depending on the type of crypto. For more details, reach out to customer service at +1-855-998-0737 for direct support.